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May 14, 2023
Thirty Ninth Day of the Omer
JUST ONE LETTER Just one letter was all it took to transform world history. In Exodus Chapter 1 verse 9 the ''Melech Chadash'', the new...
May 13, 2023
Thirty Eighth Day of the Omer
What is clear to me is that in order to connect past, present and future, we need to find a cause that liberates us from crippling grief...
May 12, 2023
Thirty seventh Day of the Omer
Pharaoh never understood Moses. For Pharaoh, the eved, the slave, was the lowest form of life, mere slave labour. For Moses, the eved was...
May 11, 2023
Thirty sixth Day of the Omer
Why is the Omer period considered a period of semi-mourning? There are obscure hints and a lot of deliberate misinformation. The midrash...
May 11, 2023
Thirty fifth day of the Omer
Each year I try to count the Omer, and each year I fail. That’s ok. It’s my family tradition, not managing to count the Omer. Let me...
May 9, 2023
Thirty Fourth Day of the Omer
JUST ONE LETTER Just one letter is all it took to transform world history. In Exodus Chapter 1 verse 9 the ''Melech Chadash'', the new...
May 8, 2023
Thirty Third Day of the Omer
LAG B’OMER I read that it was the custom in some Eastern European towns and shtetls to visit their cemetery on Lag B’Omer to clean up the...
May 7, 2023
Thirty Second Day of the Omer
A Japanese reflection on counting the Omer On my first visit to Japan I was amused to hear music being played when the traffic lights...
May 6, 2023
Thirty First Day of the Omer
Parachat Emor – Hier encore, j'avais vingt ans, je gaspillais le temps En croyant l'arrêter Et pour le retenir, même le devancer Je n'ai...
May 5, 2023
The thirtieth day of the Omer
For Friday, May 5, 2023 / Iyar 14 / Pesach Sheni Today is Iyar 14th which is also called “Pesach Sheni”. It’s now a month ago that we...
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