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May 19, 2023
Forty Fourth Day of the Omer
The omer is about counting days towards a goal in the future. Too much awareness of each day one lives can overshadow the goal. Sometimes...
May 18, 2023
Forty Third Day of the Omer
The mountains get steeper as one gets older, I find. It is something to do with quantum relativity whereby distances expand and take...
May 17, 2023
Forty Second Day of the Omer
“Streshin, a typical shtetl in Belarus, supported at least 15 charitable organisations. There was a Hevrei K’disha (burial society). The...
May 16, 2023
Forty First Day of the Omer
In the ANU, the new Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv, there is a work of art at the entrance to the exhibition that triggers many...
May 15, 2023
Fortieth Day of the Omer
According to one ancient rabbinic homiletic commentary the world did not spring forth all at once from God’s omnipresent will, but twenty...
May 14, 2023
Thirty Ninth Day of the Omer
JUST ONE LETTER Just one letter was all it took to transform world history. In Exodus Chapter 1 verse 9 the ''Melech Chadash'', the new...
May 13, 2023
Thirty Eighth Day of the Omer
What is clear to me is that in order to connect past, present and future, we need to find a cause that liberates us from crippling grief...
May 12, 2023
Thirty seventh Day of the Omer
Pharaoh never understood Moses. For Pharaoh, the eved, the slave, was the lowest form of life, mere slave labour. For Moses, the eved was...
May 11, 2023
Thirty sixth Day of the Omer
Why is the Omer period considered a period of semi-mourning? There are obscure hints and a lot of deliberate misinformation. The midrash...
May 11, 2023
Thirty fifth day of the Omer
Each year I try to count the Omer, and each year I fail. That’s ok. It’s my family tradition, not managing to count the Omer. Let me...
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