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May 9, 2023
Thirty Fourth Day of the Omer
JUST ONE LETTER Just one letter is all it took to transform world history. In Exodus Chapter 1 verse 9 the ''Melech Chadash'', the new...
May 8, 2023
Thirty Third Day of the Omer
LAG B’OMER I read that it was the custom in some Eastern European towns and shtetls to visit their cemetery on Lag B’Omer to clean up the...
May 7, 2023
Thirty Second Day of the Omer
A Japanese reflection on counting the Omer On my first visit to Japan I was amused to hear music being played when the traffic lights...
May 6, 2023
Thirty First Day of the Omer
Parachat Emor – Hier encore, j'avais vingt ans, je gaspillais le temps En croyant l'arrêter Et pour le retenir, même le devancer Je n'ai...
May 5, 2023
The thirtieth day of the Omer
For Friday, May 5, 2023 / Iyar 14 / Pesach Sheni Today is Iyar 14th which is also called “Pesach Sheni”. It’s now a month ago that we...
May 4, 2023
The twenty ninth day of the Omer
From the Rabbi for Kehillah May 2014: By the time you read this Pesach will be a memory – the story of the exodus from Egypt told once...
May 3, 2023
The twenty eighth day of the Omer
REMEMBER AMALEK Who were the Amalekites? A nomadic tribe who attacked and attempted to despoil the Israelites who had just crossed...
May 2, 2023
The Twenty Seventh Day of the Omer
The Endless Journey The endless journey no pathways just a tangle of weeds and stinging nettles stumps and burrows ambushing my feet....
May 1, 2023
Twenty Sixth Day of the Omer
From the night of the communal Seder or for most people from the second night of Pesach we start counting the Omer, which is a 49 day...
Apr 30, 2023
Day Twenty Five of the Omer
WHERE ARE WE HEADING? We have celebrated Pesach – the anniversary of the day we left Egypt. The date is known. 15th. of Nissan. But when...
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