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Prayer for Israel: Rabbi Alexandra Wright

Shabbat Bereshit 5784 Prayer for Israel

Eternal God, shelter of peace for all nations, we turn to You in shock, pain and sadness at this time of war and danger for the State of Israel and all who live there. We mourn the loss of life and associate ourselves with all those who, in a few short violent days, have lost family members and dear ones. Strengthen those who are bereaved and console them with the warmth of your compassion and love. Bind up the wounds of those who have been hurt; be with them in their pain and help them towards healing and recovery.

We pray for those who have been abducted or held hostage, for those who are fearful and traumatised, for those from whom there is no news, for families and communities who live in anguish and uncertainty.

We acknowledge with gratitude those who serve in the armed services in Israel, for the police and emergency services, all at the front line of this war, fearing for their own lives and mourning their own losses.

We stand together with all those who cherish a vision of freedom, justice and peace, who work for equality and understanding and seek to remove enmity and hatred. Eternal God, we pray in the words of the prophet and psalms: Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war any more. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May peace be found within her walls and safety within her borders. V’yiggal ka-mayyim mishpat,u’tzedakah k’nachal etan – ‘Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.’ And let us say: Amen. From Rabbi Alexandra Wright, LJS United Kingdom



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