Rabbi Menno ten Brink
Born 7th October 1958 in Amsterdam
Married with Riëtte Nihom, Children Daniël, Sharon and Yael, grandchildren Sem and Bo
1977 - 1985 Study Law (MA) University of Amsterdam (MA)
1979 - 1988 Chazzan Liberaal Joodse Gemeente Rotterdam
1988 - 1993 study rabbinics at Leo Baeck College in London: 1993; MA Jewish Studies and Jewish education
1991 - 2004 Chaplain to the Dutch Forces (Ministry of Defence)
1993 - 2003 rabbi Liberaal Joodse Gemeente Rotterdam
1998 - 2020 Member advisory Board and Supervisory Board Board of Anne Frank Foundation
2003 - today full time rabbi Liberaal Joodse Gemeente Amsterdam
2003 - today Chair of the Progressive Rabbinic Assembly of the Union for progressive Judaism in The Netherlands
2010 - today chaplain/spiritual counsellor/ Rabbi Sinai Centrum for Psychiatry
2012 - today Dean Levisson Institute for education of rabbis
2016 - today, member ERA, European Rabbinic Association for Progressive Rabbis
2010 - 2022 member International Assembly of the European union for Progressive Judaism
2018 - 2022 member MT EUPJ
2022 - today Hon. Vice President of the EUPJ